What should you know about living in Northern Virginia?
Northern Virginia, which is near Washington, DC, was impacted and significantly influenced by the political environment of DC.
The way that shows up is that you know every city and every single environment has its unique culture.
This blog will be helpful and a good resource for you.
3 Reasons Why you should Live in NOVA
One of the cultures of DC or Northern Virginia is that it is a very right or left, or right or wrong type of environment.
That's because of the political influence of NOVA in proximity to DC. So often, instead of looking for agreement, people in the community look to be "right."
As a real estate agent, I go into people's homes all the time, and the first thing I see coming up on the doorstep is a Republican bumper sticker, or I see that Democrat bumper sticker. So it's a very polarizing society.
The commute is also vital to know about living in Northern Virginia. Depending on where you're living, the commute can be challenging.
Through the pandemic, there are fewer people on the roads. Of course, more people are working from their homes, so that's been helpful, but what's been beneficial is the road improvements throughout the years.
Many infrastructures have gotten better. They've done the Silver Line up the Metro that goes from that to Dulles Airport, which has been helpful.
They did the Wilson Bridge Project. They've expanded on 495, the Beltway going around DC. They've done I-66 expansion dramatically. It's the only major road today that's not been approved. It is the toll road from Reston into DC or from Reston into the Beltway, at least.
There have been many infrastructure improvements, but it's still a tough commute. If you live in Woodbridge, let me tell you, and you work in DC, and you need to commute daily - man, that's going to be tough! 😱
The Northern Virginia Community has some of the world's best schools, both public and private schools.🧑🎓
If a school's vital to you, your move or your relocation, or if you have kids and want them to go to a public school, you definitely should check out Northern Virginia as a place to live.
So, if you're considering moving to Northern Virginia right now, I'd love to talk with you. You can hit me up at 📧: Dan@greetingsvirginia.com. You can also shoot me a message here at 📱:703-346-2776.
Just send me a text. I'll respond and love to be able to have a conversation with you to share the techniques that I'm using to generate wealth the same way that you can.
Our Team:
Dan Rochon
John Root
Zainab Fahim
John Turner
Talk to you soon.
P.S. You may also want to check our active listing here.
If you're interested to learn more about Real Estate Investing or tips and strategies about Real Estate, you can reach me at 703-346-2776 or send me an email at Dan@greetingsvirginia.com. We will be more than happy to help you.
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