Danger! Danger! Danger!
As the saying goes, “It’s better safe than sorry”.
Here’s another essential tip to make sure you're investing right not only in properties but in proper connections.
Now, if you don’t know what Asbestos is, let me just quote - “Asbestos is a term used to refer to six naturally occurring silicate minerals. All are composed of long and thin fibrous crystals, each fiber being composed of many microscopic 'fibrils' that can be released into the atmosphere by abrasion and other processes.” - Wikipedia”
One of the questions that I got about 2 weeks ago from a home buyer was “Should I buy a home with Asbestos?” and I would say, it depends. You have to talk to the proper people - the asbestos inspector per say and what we know about asbestos is that if it’s contained, it’s normally not dangerous. However, any home that you buy or sell that you suspect that there’s asbestos, you definitely want to get an inspection to see if it’s safe or not and if it can be remediated.
With what is happening lately, we can definitely make sure that the home we would be buying or selling is properly sanitized and safe to live in and quality is better done with the right connections.
I’ve got a great friend named Dan Derbes and they have a company called AdvantaClean and it’s local here in the area, they can definitely help you with any needed sanitation, cleaning or disinfecting if there are any signs of molds, asbestos or whatever the case may be. It is best to make sure this is taken care of by the right people whether you’re trying to sell or buy a home.
If you are interested, I can connect you to them, all you have to do is call my number 703-346-2776, my name is Dan Rochon and I am happy to answer any questions you may have on Real Estate Sales at all.
If you are interested, I can connect you to them, all you have to do is call my number 703-346-2776, my name is Dan Rochon and I am happy to answer any questions you may have on Real Estate Sales at all.
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